Since its creation in 1948, Israel has been thumbing its nose at international law. In fact, Israel has become perhaps the world’s biggest bully state in...
Tag - summit
Record numbers of stretch limos and private jets are descending on Copenhagen as thousands of CO2 belching, caviar scoffing, prostitute molesting, hypocritical...
Indolentii si neispravitii guvernanti ai patriei vor lipsi la summit-ul de la Copenhaga, unde se va decide dreptul la poluare al statelor lumii Bunastarea...
Dupa ce au sustinut cu ardoare limitarea bonusurilor pe care bancile au voie sa le ofere angajatilor, liderii europeni si-au mai indulcit discursul, ajungand...
The neo-capitalist principles of the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st centuries are falling apart at the seams. It became obvious as a result of...
Liderii ţărilor G8 au avut joi la cină un meniu gastronomic cu cinci feluri de mâncare din bucătăria ţării gazdă, Italia, înainte de a se ocupa vineri de...
Traim intr-o lume formata din aproximativ 200 de state. Circa 40 la suta dintre acestea s-au nascut ca atare dupa 1970. Dincolo de ele – sau mai precis...
According to Belgian viscount and current Bilderberg-chairman Étienne Davignon, the Euro was helped created by the Bilderberg Group in the 1990’s. He admitted...