Germania, aceasta Mama Omida dominatoare si aspra si rea, care nu permite nici unuia dintre elevii din clasa unde este diriginte sa iasa din strictul program...
Tag - bailout
Irlanda a devenit vineri primul stat din zona euro care a ieşit din programul de asistenţă financiară internaţională, în valoare de 85 de miliarde de euro...
European Union apparatchiks are preparing to lockdown Europe following Greece’s exit. From the Associated Press today: Olivier Bailly said Tuesday that...
Spania a devenit a patra şi cea mai mare victimă a crizei din zona euro, cerând un ajutor de până la 100 miliarde euro, echivalentul a 9% din PIB-ul ţării...
Fat-cat Greeks have secretly shifted more than €228billion euros out of their country’s crisis-hit banks and into accounts in Switzerland, according to a...
The recent decision by the Bank of England to pump another £75billion into the economy shows that Britain, far from recovering, remains on the edge of another...
A secret exit clause written into the trillion dollar European bailout agreement will ensure the creation of more debt in Europe, worsening the global economy...
Today, the number of Americans who are able to financially survive without any reliance on the U.S. government whatsoever is declining at a staggering rate...