Cum tot mai multe revolte izbucnesc în mici localităţi de la periferia unor ţări arabe şi se răspândesc apoi spre capitalele lor imediat după ce sunt reprimate...
„I-am închiriat o bucăţică de teren ca să-şi pună cortul. Mi-a dat mai mult decât aş fi câştigat într-un an. Mai apoi nu l-am lăsat să folosească terenul. Nu...
Citez din articolul Intalnirea din 2011 a Grupului Bilderberg va avea loc in iunie, in St. Moritz. Ziaristul Jim Tucker: Se spera ca invadarea Libiei va fi...
Self-Sufficiency: a universal solution to the globalist problem. Introduction When thinking about “solutions” many are quick to cite organizing a...
“Western democracies provide less successful leadership than China” Billionaire investor George Soros has once again cited China’s dictatorship as the model...
Growing demand, falling production, a market based upon speculation. Global food prices have increased for the 8th consecutive month. Most commodity groups...
The banksters are making it known. You’re going to be a pauper. The mega-bank Citigroup has trotted out its prime economist to send the message. “China should...
Where are the world’s economists? And what are they paid for? They are trained to produce viable ideas for the implementation of workable systems which...