The BRICS group of emerging-market powers kept up the pressure on Thursday for a revamped global monetary system that relies less on the dollar and for a...
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With US troops occupying Iraq and Afghanistan, conducting military operations in Pakistan, Libya, Somalia, and covertly inside Iran, and troops tied up at more...
The world’s banks face a $3.6 trillion “wall of maturing debt” in the next two years and must compete with debt-laden governments to secure...
Ne-am dorit atat de mult sa traim visul american si sa experimentam libertatea din tarile Occidentului ca acum acestea ne fac viata un cosmar. Adancirea crizei...
America has two national budgets, one official, one unofficial. The official budget is public record and hotly debated: Money comes in as taxes and goes out as...
At times it really is breathtaking how corrupted the U.S. government has become. Government corruption has become so endemic in our society that most people...
Nedreptatile se adancesc si devin mai evidente ca oricand; cei responsabili nu se mai straduie sa le mascheze. Pasivitatea cetatenilor creste odata cu ele;...
„Am acumulat oameni ignoranţi ani la rând. Sistemul de învăţământ este împietrit, administraţia centrală exercită un control strict, iar programa şcolară este...