Agricultura este noul „petrol“, insistă analiștii, iar Europa de Est are toate șansele să fie beneficiarul principal al fondurilor de investiții în căutare de...
Tag - wall street
Recent headlines coming out of the financial world have been jaw dropping. Here are a few:US faces same problems as Greece, says Bank of England(The...
Thousands of workers and trade union leaders have marched in anger over lost jobs and ruined lives in the largest anti-Wall Street rally since the credit...
Ok, ok, if one reads the US post and watches Wall Street, not to mentions listens to the “honest” American government, one “knows” that...
In this 60 Minutes report, you’ll learn about a handful of Wall Street outsiders who realized the subprime mortgage business was a house of cards and found a...
Ministrul suedez de Finanţe a propus omologilor săi din UE introducerea unei taxe pentru bănci, în vederea recuperării costurilor de susţinere a sectorului de...
Băncile şi instituţiile financiare de pe Wall Street şi-au plătit angajaţii cu 145 miliarde de dolari pentru efortul depus anul trecut, sumă care depăşeşte...
Corporations, which control the levers of power in government and finance, promote and empower the psychologically maimed. Those who lack the capacity for...