Sefa FMI, Christine Lagarde, s-a declarat ingrijorata, miercuri, de “agravarea inegalitatilor de venituri” in lume, in conditiile in care 0,5% din...
Tag - Occupy Wall Street
A prominent private investigator operating out of New York and Texas has noted that anyone engaging in any large scale protest, is now subjected to scanning by...
“Întotdeauna vor flutura două drapele americane: unul pentru cei bogaţi şi altul pentru cei săraci. Cât timp flutură drapelul celor bogaţi, înseamnă că...
At the time of this writing, all indicators are pointing to an attack on Iran by the alliance of the US, Israel and the UK to curb its ambitions to go nuclear...
Mohamed el-Erian e CEO la PIMCO, unul dintre fondurile de investiţii imense (învîrte cam un trilion de dolari), critică direct sistemul capitalist aşa cum...
Occupy Wall Street and cognate groups around the world are part of a protest movement that is both global and local. It is global in terms of geographic scope...