The next leg of the planned economic collapse has now been launched with the stock market once again plunging as the Federal Reserve prepares to launch QE3...
Tag - big brother
Ministerul Comunicaţiilor a propus ieri un proiect prin care statul va şti cine, cât, unde şi cu cine comunică. Legea a mai fost adoptată în 2008 şi abrogată...
In some ways, all the uproar about Apple saving location data on its iOS device users is old news. Guess what? Big Brother, or Big Google, also collects geo...
As we predicted, Homeland Security and national security state officialdom are in the process of expanding the police state and citizen humiliation grid from...
The net-neutrality ending deal with Verizon is just the beginning of Google’s plans to kill the open and free Internet as part of their takeover agenda to...
Verizon and Google have announced that they hope to regulate the internet by controlling access and the speed of the internet to different websites. In other...
Firmele de telecomunicatii au acuzat guvernul de comportament asemanator cu cel al serviciului de securitate est german din cauza impunerii de a stoca fiecare...