
Moldovan Opposition In Boycott

CHISINAU, Moldova — Moldova’s liberal, pro-Western opposition on Tuesday dismissed as a “trick” a planned recount of the recent disputed election won by the ruling Communist Party and said it would take no part in the process.

The Constitutional Court ordered the recount, scheduled for Wednesday, at the request of Communist President Vladimir Voronin following violent protests against the April 5 vote outcome.

Official results give the Communists nearly 50 percent of the vote and 60 seats — one short of the number that is needed to ensure victory for their candidate when the parliament chooses the president.

Opposition parties demand a new election and say they expect no new results. They say their concern is fraud with voters’ lists, which they allege contain the names of dead voters and Moldovans working abroad.

“We will not take part in the recount. This is a trick the Communists want to use to distract attention from cheating with voters’ lists,” Serafim Urecheanu of the Our Moldova party, one of three opposition groups to win seats, told a news conference Tuesday. “We cannot rule out that they want to find a 61st seat which they need to elect the president.”

Vlad Filat of the Liberal Democrats said the opposition would detail alleged cheating to the Constitutional Court.

Voronin accuses rivals of organizing the protests as part of a coup plot fermented by Romania, which shares a cultural and linguistic heritage with Moldova. Romania denies the charge.

sursa:  themoscowtimes.com

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