Cui se adreseaza aceste programe de salvare, aceste “bail-out-uri” de trilioane de care tot auzim (ultimul in zona euro)? Economiei in general...
The European financial crisis is moving to a new level. The Germans have finally consented to lead a bailout effort for Greece. The effort has angered the...
The dizzy honeymoon created by the EU and IMF pledge yesterday to throw a trillion dollars at eurozone debt has faded as predicted. Investors realize the...
Many theories have sprung up in regards to what exactly happened on Thursday that would cause a 1,000 point drop in the DOW. Some say that it was a computer or...
SFARSITUL CAPITALISMULUI La 11 iunie 1948, comunistii “au incheiat socotelile” cu economia capitalista, nationalizand industria, comertul si...
Acest articol este o prima parte dintr-o analiza mai ampla pe care o voi posta in zilele urmatoare pentru a intelege o singura “enigma” in legatura cu care...
joi, cateva zeci de mii de jucatori la bursa au pierdut MILIARDE de dolari in mai putin de o secunda! Nu, nu e nici o gluma – chiar daca in presa din Romania...
Some experts believe that World War III will start 100 years after the first one and will take lives of hundreds of millions of people. Some scientists think...