The American biotechnology firm, Monsanto, has applied for a patent for pig breeding in 160 countries. The patent is for specific parts of the genetic material...
Imaginati-va ca ati vrea sa deveniti un “Marx” al zilelor noastre si vreti sa elaborati un “MANIFEST”. Luati-o ca pe un joc pe calculator. Ce titlu sa-i dati...
Get the This or That Pro widget and many other great free widgets at Widgetbox! Not seeing a widget? (More info) Stalin: Nu conteaza cine voteaza, conteaza...
Fall Of The Republic documents how an offshore corporate cartel is bankrupting the US economy by design. Leaders are now declaring that world government has...
Ni s-a spus in repetate rinduri, ca noi, romanii am fi niste “timpiti” si ca nu invatam nimic din “intelepciunea” strainilor. Dar nu-i nimic. Vom avea timp si...
As another new trailer reveals, ‘Fall of the Republic’ goes far beyond the words and actions of Barack Obama and his controllers to the TV-based mind control...
(scrisoare deschisa adresata lucratorilor Antenei 3 si audientei sale) Daca in antichitate sclavii erau mentinuti in starea lor de dependenta totala prin...