Presedintele Traian Basescu si-a justificat prezenta la masa rotunda pe tema problemelor din agricultura prin faptul ca este un politician care sustine ca...
Romania a fost nevoita sa se imprumute cu 19,95 mld. euro, pentru a acoperi “gaura” lasata in urma de consumul excesiv din ultimii ani, spun...
Preşedintele Germaniei, Horst Köhler, a lansat în tradiţionalul discurs politic de la Berlin un apel la reconsiderarea principiilor politicii naţionale şi a...
“We’ve averted” the risk of a depression, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said this week. “Now the problem is to get the thing working properly again.”...
Joseph Stiglitz lambasted the White House bailout plan for Wall Street this morning. It’s a brutal rebuttal to the lies and half-truths we were fed all day...
STRASBOURG, France (AP) — The president of the European Union on Wednesday slammed U.S. plans to spend its way out of recession as “a road to hell...
GENEVA (Reuters) – Some 200 secular, religious and media groups from around the world on Wednesday urged the United Nations Human Rights Council to...
Ce incearca, din rasputeri, tandemul Traian Basescu – Emil Boc? Sa rostogoleasca partea cea mai dramatica a efectelor crizei pana dupa alegerile...