PERHAPS the sentiments contained in the following pages, are not YET sufficiently fashionable to procure them general favor; a long habit of not thinking a...
“Oare este mai usor, pentru cetatenii obisnuiti cu o independenta emolienta, sa se trezeasca intr-o dimineata prizonierii unui hatis legislativ decat...
In Statele Unite ale Americii, Olanda sau Germania, un om care se imbogateste este respectat de comunitate. Nu este vorba doar de paradigma protestanta, care a...
Prietenii politice transformate in razboaie sau in deturnare de fonduri, scrasniri din dinti pe seama ponoaselor pe care inca le platim pentru fata tare-n tata...
The political establishment’s response to the global warming doubts raised by EPA researcher, Alan Carlin, is remarkable. The mantra chanted by one EPA...
Private Property Danny and Charlie go out to St Paul’s Cathedral, the London Stock Exchange, and the Bank of England spreading a universal message of...
Gerald Celente interviewed on FOX Business.
A scene from “Architects Of Control” featuring Zbigniew Brzezinski.