In fiecare zi ne lovim de neincredere in societate, stat, institutii si de o insatisfactie generala fata de viata pe care o traim. Totul merge rau, lucrurile...
Tag - propaganda
La noi, nicio minune nu mai tine, ca odinioara, trei zile. Mai mult, pentru a acoperi ceea ce trebuie acoperit: mizeriile, hotiile si vanitatile puterii etc...
Cand traiam sub dictatura, ziceam ca regimul ne umileste, ne injoseste, ne rapeste tineretea, aspiratiile, visele. Ne lasam amagiti de propaganda, de care nu...
Oricat ar incerca mass-media sa ne convinga de caracterul politic al evenimentelor din Tunisia si Egipt, pentru orice observator obiectiv este clar ca...
A flow of information is constantly streaming from the television set; a bombardment of words and pictures. The speed at which this information is...
Most of the ‘terrorist’ bomb attacks of the past sixty years have been false-flag attacks that were actually committed by the Israeli Mossad, the CIA, and...
Huge public relations firms that the public never hear about, are paid billions of dollars each year to convice you up is down and down is up. sursa:...
Download: Click thumbnail image and select ‘Save As…’ You will need Adobe Reader to open this e-book. You can download it for free here. Synopsis: A...