Ok, ok, if one reads the US post and watches Wall Street, not to mentions listens to the “honest” American government, one “knows” that...
Tag - Obama
In an effort to explain our escalating financial crisis, an American Nightmare (an Environmental Dream), the pundits are focusing their angst on the 44th...
Desi exista o definitie relativ arbitrara a recesiunii economice (doua trimestre consecutive de scadere a PIB), incheierea oficiala a recesiunii nu poate fi...
Under the provably fraudulent and completely corrupted justification of fighting global warming, the Obama administration has ordered the World Bank to keep...
Some insight into the fake left and right and the idiots that make it all possibl…
sursa: youtube.com
Lumea se schimba foarte rapid. Noi provocari sunt din ce in ce mai vizibile, cum ar fi cele create de incalzirea globala. Ascensiunea financiara a Chinei se...
With the multi-billion dollar bailout of banks and the White House’s plans to reform public services, socialism was a buzzword in the US in 2009. Yet...
Conducerea postului din Atlanta (Georgia) a acceptat să-i ofere lui Lou Dobbs “pe degeaba” această sumă ca să renunţe la cele 18 luni de contract...