WASHINGTON — Barely six months ago, the International Monetary Fund emerged from years of declining relevance, hurriedly cobbling together emergency loans for...
Tag - G20
Peste 15.000 de oameni au protestat faţă de globalizare la Londra, oraş ce găzduieşte săptămâna viitoare summitul ţărilor industrializate G20. Marşuri...
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner sent the dollar tumbling with comments about China’s ideas for overhauling the global monetary system, only to drive it...
Liderii UE se reunesc joi la Bruxelles pentru un summit consacrat crizei economice, in cadrul caruia vor pleda pentru reformarea si suplimentarea...
Piata libera si-a vazut sfarsitul in fata crizei financiare, iar summit-ul G20 (grupul statelor industrializate si al economiilor emergente) din aprilie de la...
Russia suggests the G20 summit in London in April should start establishing a system of managing the process of globalization and consider the possibility of...
Tokyo AP reports that global banking leaders will meet in with government official Britain ahead of the G20 conference in April. Chief executives of leading...
Tony Blair has become the first leading British politician to meet Barack Obama since he was sworn in as US President. The former prime minister was welcomed...