Americans cannot get any truth out of their government about anything, the economy included. Americans are being driven into the ground economically, with one...
Tag - Fed
Investigaţiile presei americane privind incapacitatea economiştilor de a prezice criza economică continuă. După ce Paul Krugman a demonstrat faptul că...
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Noile predictii bugetare ne indica un deficit cumulat de 9.000 mld. $ pentru urmatorii zece ani, in SUA. Potrivit multor comentatori, aceasta e o cifra...
Athens, Ga. – Since it was introduced in February, Representative Ron Paul’s “Audit the Fed” bill (H.R. 1207) has gained 282 congressional cosponsors. If...
Dl. Ben Bernanke, chairman al FED, ne asigura ca politica americana de a pompa bani ieftini in economie pentru a o ajuta sa depaseasca perioada de criza nu va...
Bancile americane Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan Chase si Morgan Stanley – care, in contextul izbucnirii crizei financiare, au renuntat la statutul de banci de...
Two recent articles (my article and the JustGetUsThere article) in the past few days have discussed how the mass media is hijacking the patriot...