A decision by China to reduce its US Treasury holdings suggests concern about the US attitude towards its economic woes, Chinese economists were quoted as...
Tag - China
Influenţa Chinei la nivel mondial va creşte mai repede decât estimează majoritatea analiştilor, în condiţiile în care izolarea sa faţă de sistemul financiar...
China is uncomfortable about being the principal creditor of the United States. Asia’s largest nation became the hostage of the US economy in the 21st century...
US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner will meet with President Hu Jintao to discuss expansion of ties and current economic turmoil during his trip to Beijing...
Brazil and China will work towards using their own currencies in trade transactions rather than the US dollar, according to Brazil’s central bank and aides to...
David Miliband today described China as the 21st century’s “indispensable power” with a decisive say on the future of the global economy...
China, wary of the troubled US economy, has ‘canceled America’s credit card’ by cutting down purchases of debt, a US congressman says. China has the world’s...
Joseph Stiglitz lambasted the White House bailout plan for Wall Street this morning. It’s a brutal rebuttal to the lies and half-truths we were fed all day...