Several countries in the world are considering censorship on the Internet. The measure was proposed in the UN by a representative of Brazil. Venezuelan...
Tag - BRIC
Cu putin timp în urma, în paginile acestei reviste, retoric, puneam întrebarea daca mai putine razboaie echivaleaza cu mai multa pace. Recentul conflict din...
Romanii nu sunt capabili sa absoarba nici macar zece procente din fondurile comunitare, in schimb se aliniaza cu miile in fata centrelor care distribuie...
The new millennium brought with it a lot of hope, a lot of expectations and as usual a lot of hot air, broken promises and a turn for the worse. Since 2000...
Putem schimba cu China bani şi mărfuri, dar mai puţin valori politice? A devenit aproape un clişeu de limbaj să-l numim pe preşedintele Statelor Unite drept...
De cand ministrul brazilian al Finantelor a declarat, la 27 septembrie, ca a izbucnit un “razboi al valutelor”, discutiile despre economia mondiala...
Global governments tasked the International Monetary Fund with calming the recent outbreak of tensions over currencies amid signs they are already triggering a...
The situation with food prices in the world has been hysterical recently. In Russia, prices on food have already increased considerably as a result of the...