Conform site-ului oficial al întâlnirilor Bilderberg,, putem regăsi, surprinzător poate pentru unii, faptul că pe agenda discuțiilor...
[youtube][/youtube] ” V ” este semnul de recunoastre al Illuminatilor; un semn demonic, luciferic de recunoastere a puterii reunite a eminentelor cenusii si de...
An organization holding a meeting in Spain features some of the world’s most influential politicians, bankers and even military chiefs. However, you will not...
Ladies and gentlemen, We are now in a position to change history. I finally believe that mankind has a future. A once demoralised population with no moral...
The presence of Spain’s heavyweight political and financial leaders at this year’s Bilderberg conference is not just because the secretive annual confab is...
The results of longstanding research on a secret society were presented at the European Parliament on Tuesday by Daniel Estulin, author of the bestseller...
Now that the agenda for global government and a centralized world economic system is public and out in the open, the importance of the Bilderberg Group’s...
Daniel Estulin, autorul faimoasei cărți„Clubul Bilderberg”, va susține o prezentare în plenul Parlamentului European, la Bruxelles, pe 1 iunie 2010. Daniel...