History may repeat itself two or three times or even reach the point, which Francis Fukuyama described as the end of history. The US historian of Japanese...
Tag - Barack Obama
Jack Welch, fostul director executiv al General Electric, a criticat în cuvinte dure plasarea sub legea falimentului a companiei auto Chrysler, adăugând că...
The president has assembled a trusted circle of advisers to oversee all aspects of national security directly from the White House Most evenings, as the...
Preşedintele american a avertizat că ieşirea Statelor Unite din criza economică ar putea dura ani de zile. Barack Obama a făcut această declaraţie imediat după...
While the world’s Power Elite, known as the Bilderbergers, prepare to meet for their annual push for world governance on May 14-19 the corporate media...
Barack Obama a tinut ieri seara un discurs de bilant * Ziarul New York Post cataloga prestatia presedintelui astfel: “100 de zile, 100 de erori”...
Seful stangii radicale in America Latina, Chavez i-a reprosat lui Barack Obama ca l-ar fi acuzat ca “extinde terorismul” insa nu a precizat care au...
Two recent Infowars.com articles (my article and the JustGetUsThere article) in the past few days have discussed how the mass media is hijacking the patriot...