Procesul intentat de guvernul SUA agenţiei de rating Standard & Poor’s pentru nereguli înfăptuite în timpul crizei financiare aduce încă o dată în prim...
Tag - AIG
Directorul general al AIG, Robert Benmosche, este de părere că guvernele din întreaga lume trebuie să accepte că populaţia trebuie să muncească mai mult, pe...
Today there is a horrific derivatives bubble that threatens to destroy not only the U.S. economy but the entire world financial system as well, but...
Sometimes, when chasing the bouncing ball of fraud and corruption on a daily basis, it is easy to lose sight of the forest for the millions of trees (all of...
La inceputul acestui an, compania de asigurari American International Group anunta ca a platit angajatilor diviziei care a dus la caderea companiei bonusuri de...
Newspapers are fixated upon $160 million in bonuses given to American International Group (AIG) executives. And it’s nice to know where the millions are going...
For the financial crisis that has wiped out trillions in wealth, many have felt the lash of public outrage. Fannie and Freddie. The idiot-bankers. The AIG...
At his March 24 press conference President Obama demonstrated that he is capable of understanding issues as presented to him by his advisers and able to pass...