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Proiectul lui Barack Obama – O solutie la actuala criza economica = eliminarea notiunii de mostenire

In seara zilei de 16.02.2009 in cadrul emisiunii Stirea Zilei de la Antena 3 Ion Cristoiu face o afirmatie incredibila depre posibila lansare a proiectui “A treia cale” a presedintelui Barack Obama. Acest poiect ce ar veni ca solutie la actuala criza economica si se va baza pe punerea în valoare a fiecărui individ din societate; încurajarea inovării şi iniţiativei individuale ca instrumente decisive ale progresului personal şi colectiv; eliminarea notiunii(dreptului) de mostenire,mostenitor ori existenta acestuia in baza unei taxe uriase.

video minutul 50:32

Third Way (centrism)

The Third Way is a term that has been used to describe a variety of political philosophies of governance that embrace a mix of market and interventionist philosophies. Third Way approaches are commonly viewed as representing a centrist compromise between capitalism and socialism, or between market liberalism and democratic socialism. However, proponents of third way philosophies often claim that the third way represents a synthesis of these competing viewpoints, distinct from and superior to both of its sources, rather than simply a compromise or mixture. This claim is embodied in the alternative description of the Third Way as the Radical center.

Past invocations of a political ‘third way’, in this sense, have included the Fabian Socialism, Distributism, Keynesian economics, Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal, and Harold Macmillan’s 1950s One Nation Conservatism. A “Third Way” approach has been adopted by some social democrats and social liberals in many Western liberal democracies.

Third Way policies were enacted in the 1980s in Australia by the Hawke/Keating Labor governments. The most recent prominent examples are the Clinton Administration in the United States as well as presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, the Labour Party (New Labour) governments of the United Kingdom under Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, the Liberal Party government of Canada under Jean Chrétien and Paul Martin, the Australian Labor Party under Kevin Rudd and Mark Latham and the Polder Model in The Netherlands.

The Third Way rejects both socialism and laissez-faire approaches to economic governance, but chiefly stresses technological development, education, and competitive mechanisms to pursue economic progress and governmental objectives. One of its central aims is to protect the modern welfare state through reforms that maintain its economic integrity.

The third way has been criticized by some conservatives and libertarians who advocate laissez-faire capitalism. It has also been heavily criticized by many social democrats and democratic socialists in particular as a betrayal of left-wing values. […] sursa: wikipedia

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