“Money is Power”, or shall we say, “The Monopoly to Create Credit Money and charge interest is Absolute Power”. (Alex James) Amsel (Amschel) Bauer Mayer...
After every financial crisis there’s a sovereign debt crisis, Marc Faber says. Countries that borrowed too much during the boom times start struggling to...
Human civilisation would “collapse” and efforts to tackle global warming will fail unless the world curbs its culture of greed and excessive consumerism, a...
Dr. ADRIAN STREINU-CERCEL ii asimileaza cu infractorii pe cei care refuza vaccinarea, incercand sa ordone, ilegal, penalizarea lor financiara Dr. PETRU...
Drug firms collaborated with WHO officials to deliberately create a “campaign of panic” and a ‘false disaster’ over swine flu pandemic fears when...
Criza economică nu s-a încheiat. În fapt, abia a început, este de părere Simon Johnson, un reputat economist din Statele Unitea. Johnson, fost director al...
The clamor to ramp up airport security with invasive naked body imaging scanners has nothing to do with ensuring the safety of travelers. Rather it is part of...
Astrologists are releasing their predictions and expectations for 2010. It looks like the human race is up for the difficult 12 months. Alexander Ivanov, an...