Historical background – the establishment of capitalist supremacy When the Industrial Revolution began in Britain, in the late 1700s, there was lots of money...
WASHINGTON — The chief of the International Monetary Fund said Friday that the organization should reorient itself to better detect systemic risks to the...
Directorii unora dintre cele mai importante fonduri de investitii din lume, printre care Soros Fund Management, Greenlight Capital si SAC Capital Advisors...
A flow of information is constantly streaming from the television set; a bombardment of words and pictures. The speed at which this information is...
In a recent TED Talk, Bill Gates has put forward the theory that mankind can reach zero carbon emissions by reducing our population, services, energy and...
Dacă am reuși să convingem restul lumii să renunțe la dependența de bancnotele noastre verzi, ne‑ar fi tuturor mai bine. Atunci, de ce nu se vorbește în SUA...
Puterea economica a Chinei s-a vazut si la Davos. Din cei 2.500 de participanti, aproape 10% au fost chinezi. Rethink, Redesign, Rebuild. Aceasta a fost deviza...
A major Newsweek hit piece against the Tea Party movement and Alex Jones claims that the move towards a global government and the fact that governments commit...