Fluxurile de capital din Statele Unite spre pietele emergente, in special din Asia, pun in pericol stabilitatea economica a acestora, au acuzat oficiali ai...
Relansarea mondială este ”în pericol”, dacă nu este menţinut ”spiritul de cooperare” între principalele puteri economice ale planetei...
Unii îi numesc “iluminaţi”, alţii, “grup elitist al omenirii”… Oficial, poartă numele de Comisia Trilaterală şi, conform propriului statut, trasează din umbră...
In the USA and Europe, there is massive inflation to bail out the banksters. Aiming for stable exchange rates, other countries are also inflating their money...
Bill Gates wants a Billion Dead! Vaccines and Health Care will do the Job! In a recent TED conference presentation, Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates, who has...
It’s almost a done deal. We are about to see herbal preparations disappear, and the ability of herbalists to prescribe them will also be lost. Big Pharma...
Bilderberg. Whether you believe it’s part of a sinister conspiracy which will lead inexorably to one world government or whether you think it’s just an...
Tribal ties—race, ethnicity, and religion—are becoming more important than borders. Illustration by Bryan ChristieFor centuries we have used maps to delineate...