“Intelepciunea populara” pe care am mostenit-o de la stramosii nostri DACI, e poate singura responsabila pentru supravietuirea noastra milenara in spatiul...
With Chernobyl and Pripyat in mind what would happen to planet earth if the human race were to suddenly disappear forever? Would ecosystems thrive? What...
The Secrets Behind The U..S. Dollar Bill. Whom does the government worship?
[youtube width=”500″ height=”400″][/youtube] It is very important for us all to realise that we’re living under a simple but...
This video contains one of the most awesome, inspiring and truthful speeches ever given by a president. This very speech must have caused a lot of panic among...
In dimineata asta (n.n. miercuri) m-am trezit asa cum mi se intampla destul de des in ultima perioada, inainte de 4 am. Si asta chiar daca ma culc trecute...
Băăi proştilor care sunteţi proşti! De 20 de ani tot schimbăm. Şi schimbăm. Şi iarăşi schimbăm. După care schimbăm schimbarea. Şi schimbăm schimbarea...