Jason Bermas’ highly anticipated documentary Invisible Empire exposes the New World Order in their own words, by painstakingly showing how the elite have not...
“It’s a crime story. But it’s also a war story about class warfare. And a vampire movie, with the upper 1 percent feeding off the rest of us...
Ne place sau nu ne place trebuie sa recunoastem anumite lucruri, mai mult chiar, anumite stari de fapt. Trebuie sa recunoastem ca PSD are cei mai bine...
Are these distractions stopping you from questioning why politicians lied,… sacrificing innocent lives, … to make you safe? FOOL ME TWICE (Bali...
It is not a secret to anyone who has been closely following the FDIC’s quasi criminal bank takeover practices over the past year, that acquirors of failed...
Cetatenii sunt de 20 de ani victimele luptelor pentru Putere dintre partidele politice. Obsesia guvernarii – a pastrarii sau a ajungerii la privilegiile...
sursa: fymaaa.blogspot.com Documentarul “Sfidatorul”(El Sfidante) de care va vorbesc astazi face parte din acea categorie de creatii (filme, carti...
“you know who won’t be able to pay is the little guys and you’ll be crushing the future of inovation…” A look at the history of...