Since the revolution in 1959 Cuba has been many things to many people, but the collapse of the Soviet Union meant few have seen the island state as a vision of...
WASHINGTON — Barely six months ago, the International Monetary Fund emerged from years of declining relevance, hurriedly cobbling together emergency loans for...
The Obama Deception by Alex Jones
FULL VERSION – with english subtitle
Peste 15.000 de oameni au protestat faţă de globalizare la Londra, oraş ce găzduieşte săptămâna viitoare summitul ţărilor industrializate G20. Marşuri...
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner sent the dollar tumbling with comments about China’s ideas for overhauling the global monetary system, only to drive it...
George Soros, administrator al unui fond de investiţii, care a prezis criza financiară de două ori înaintea producerii ei, este, de asemenea, şi unul dintre...
Dominique Strauss-Kahn, directorul Fondului Monetar International, s-a pus in ipostaza unui pedagog al crizei etalandu-si totodata convingerile socialiste...
Clasa noastra politica, incepand cu Basescu si terminand cu Geoana, este incapabila sa treaca Romania peste hopul crizei mondiale. Este atat de incoerenta...