NATO Preambul: Romania a fost invitată să adere la Alianţa Nord-Atlantică la Summit-ul NATO de la Praga din 2002. La acel moment, aliaţii au lansat in vitaţii...
It seems that those who anticipated the end of color revolutions have been proven wrong. So far, color revolutions have succeeded in Serbia, Georgia, Ukraine...
Trei entitati distincte? Nu e o aberatie? Nu ar trebui sa vorbim despre aceeasi entitate si, din toate punctele de vedere, sa existe o pozitie unitara in...
Premierul moldovean a facut apel joi seara la populatie intr-o declaratie de presa, sa nu iasa in strada vineri si sa respinga orice provocari, pentru ca...
For all the attention given to the impact of social media on the protests in Moldova (earlier GV posts on that here and here), there were people both in and...
Romania Libera:Revolutie la Chisinau: Protestatarii au luat cu asalt cladirea Presedintiei(VIDEO) Romania Online: Parlamentul moldovean este in flacari...
The world is a step closer to a global currency, backed by a global central bank, running monetary policy for all humanity. A single clause in Point 19 of the...
The U.S. economy is in for a “lasting slowdown” and could face a Japan-style period of relatively low growth coupled with high inflation...