What is really going on with the swine flu? Is it a dangerous threat worthy of constant media attention, or is it a minor event used to scare the public into...
Television is the most powerful weapon of psychological warfare in history and yet it is a member of the family in most households. The programming that we are...
Throughout the history of mankind, the elite have always fought for world empire. Now, using secrecy and international banking systems, they are making their...
Will America change for the better after the 2008 election or will the status quo continue with Barack Obama or John McCain? Why do politicians always promise...
China a cerut pentru imensele ei detineri in dolari o garantie intr-o moneda internationala, si nu nationala. Concret, ar fi vorba, in conceptia Chinei, de...
Si premierul Boc si presedintele Basescu sunt din ce in ce mai nervosi. Daca am fi rautaciosi, am spune ca cei doi se comporta ca si cum amandoi ar impartasi...
While our media sleep, the United Nations is proceeding, with President Obama’s acquiescence, to implement a global plan to create a new international...