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Polonia, concediaza 10% din personalul bugetar, desi nu se afla in situatia dezastruoasa a Romaniei

The Polish government plans to let go of ten percent of its workforce and to cut administrative costs by eight percent.

There are currently 358,000 civil servants in Poland, meaning that about 31,600 will be made redundant.

The new bill would require Ministers and regional governors to present the government with information regarding labour funds and the number of employees on full-time and part-time contracts.

The government predicts that cutting administrative costs would provide key cuts for the state budget: up to half a billion zloty in 2010, about 1.26 billion in 2011 and about 1.2 billion in 2012. Government officials are currently in consultation with leaders in the civil society sphere in Poland such as heads of various NGOs and institutions in order to garner support for the bill.

Additionally, the government plans to freeze salaries until the end of 2011 at 92 percent of this year’s salaries.


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