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Bilderberg-chairman: ‘Bilderberg helped create the Euro’

According to Belgian viscount and current Bilderberg-chairman Étienne Davignon, the Euro was helped created by the Bilderberg Group in the 1990’s. He admitted this in an interview to the EUobserver online newspaper on March 16 2009.

While talking about his expectations of the EU-summit on March 19 and the G20-meeting in London two weeks later, he comments:

These two meeting are going to be important because of what (the media) will say- is it a lot of jaw-jaw and everything will get worse? Or maybe it’s the beginning of a realisation that the world will no longer be the same and we are going to do something about it.’

After this he brings the annual Bilderberg-meetings into the conversation, saying something that was considered a ‘conspiracy theory’ for the past couple of decades, but is now confirmed by none other than the current chairman of the secretive group. Here is the actual quote from the article:

A meeting in June in Europe of the Bilderberg Group- an informal club of leading politicians, businessmen and thinkers chaired by Mr. Davignon- could also ‘improve understanding’ on future action, in the same way it helped create the Euro in the 1990s, he said.’

The article concludes with Davignon’s assessment that:

People understand confusedly that there is a change (in the air). (…). But no government will satisfy the reactions of the people. They have the greatest reticence and cynicism against everybody who holds responsibility.’

Jurriaan Maessen

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