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The Elite sElection of 2008 and the Status Quo

Will America change for the better after the 2008 election or will the status quo continue with Barack Obama or John McCain? Why do politicians always promise “change” but never deliver? As the election nears, I hear a lot of people say, as long as a democrat wins, things will improve. I guess they don’t remember that we elected republican George Bush to get away from democrat Bill Clinton’s foreign interventions in the 1990s.

As we continue toward the beginnings of a World War 3 like scenario, neither Barack Obama nor John McCain will slow down our military wheel that has been in motion since World War 2. Unless we stand up and fight this, the worldwide centralization of monetary and political power will continue until it’s too late to fight back. As we move toward a new world order, we must be more active in the political process and ignore the false left right paradigm or we will lose all of our freedoms.


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